Sunday, December 18, 2011

Five Pictures From Sunday Afternoon

'Twas the week before Christmas
And all 'cross the sand

Not a creature was stirring

'Cept Max, getting tan.

Seriously, we just got back from the beach and I wanted to share these. This isn't the beach we normally go to, but a cruise ship was in and Dorsch usually gets a little crowded. This is what we saw when we pulled off the road just north of Rainbow Beach, which is just north of Frederiksted. Virtually empty stretch of white sand.

That palm tree in the distance? This is it, close up.

Max, ready for all sorts of water sports.

And a ballgame on the beach, with the cruise ship in the background. Playing are Tori, Max, Natasha and Alan. Alan is closest to the camera. He's been going to college in Canada, which explains why he's so white.

And that was our Sunday afternoon, and we still got home in time to see some fairly crappy football.

But we have to exclaim to the tropical skies,
"Merry Christmas from us down here in paradise!"


Mimi Foxmorton said...

You're just begging for me to call you names, aren't you? ;)

Blessed Yule to all the 'Buckets!
And much love from Fox! xo

Big_Aengus said...

A blessed and merry Christmas to all of the Baur clan! I always look forward to your posts.