Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a Place to Live!

Tori and I were at the Caribbean Museum Center of the Arts in Frederiksted Saturday covering an open house. (I works for the St Croix Source, this was an assignment.)

Anyway, after the event we headed out. Walking through the door we saw the arched portico framing the last blush of the sunset, lights from the cruise ship pier reflecting off the water. Stars and an incredibly bright Venus shone in a velvety blue sky, while a warm breeze played on us.

"We live in a good place," we agreed as we crossed the street to the waterfront and sat on a bench.

Tori tried a couple of times to capture the scene with the camera, but it was impossible. This was more than could be taken in by the senses. It filled our souls.

We'll have a longish post wrapping up all the Christmas activities in the next day or two. But this has to be said.

We live in a very good place.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I think you might prepare for a flood of fruitcakes next year, heh, heh! btw; these are *big* here in Oz, but then again, Oz is set perennially in 1970-early 80's! Mullets included. Yes, even in Sydney, heh-heh!